Castle of Bubbio

an unforgettable stay

Feel the energy of the castle

Historic Piedmont countryside and a space that transcends the ordinary.
Where day and night blend in earthy colors and verdant vineyards, exquisitely styled contrade and alleyways.

The rooms

The castle of Bubbio offers its guests 12 elegant and bright rooms with attention to every detail, all with private bathrooms and with balconies overlooking the rolling hills.

It sounds like a fairy tale, but instead it is an enchanting reality. At the castle of Bubbio nothing is left to chance, everything is designed to make the environment cozy and refined.

The Castle

Of the ancient thirteenth-century manor house – which followed the same ownership transitions as the fief – most nothing remains today. With the Spanish takeover in 1639, it suffered serious and irreparable damage.

Only the ancient tower, which from the western side defended the town as an advanced sentinel, was saved from destruction.

Gentili Ospiti,

Avviso di Chiusura Stagionale

Il Castello di Bubbio sarà chiuso per la pausa stagionale a partire dal 07.01.25.
Riapriremo il 14.02.25 per accogliervi nuovamente con nuove esperienze e la nostra ospitalità d’eccellenza.
Per qualsiasi informazione o prenotazione futura, potete contattarci al +39 0144 314096

Con affetto, Il Castello di Bubbio